Regular library materials occur in several collections. All are listed in the library catalog. Please check our floor plan to see where books are physically located.
The Heritage Center's Special Collections consists of books that are either rare, fragile or related to Seventh-day Adventism and to local history.
Items from these collections cannot be checked out and must be consulted in the Heritage Reading Room on the second floor.
The Ruth King McKee Curriculum Library.on the second floor has resources for education students and Johnson County teachers. The collection includes current K-12 curricular materials as well as historical Adventist curricular resources. Education majors and faculty have card access to the Curriculum Library; other patrons should contact the library front desk.
The library holds all components of the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists integrated language arts program: Pathways. Many are available in the Curriculum Library, others in the Youth Collection on the first floor.